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Improvements to "m", a personal command line tool

Posted at — Feb 22, 2020

From m to m2

Having used m for many years now, I encountered two primary problems.

The first is startup performance. Even with lazy module loading (see here), calling m without any subcommands still took ~250ms on my laptop.

The second problem is code verbosity. To add a new command, one needs to create a new class in a separate file, import it in main, and finally instantiate the new class.

In this short blog post, I am going to share how I tackled these two issues.

Removing python-fire

In order to reduce startup time, I first had to profile m startup performance. From python -c 'print("Hi"), I know python interpreter program can be fast.

Iteratively removing modules m depends on one by one revealed python-fire was the biggest contributor to the long startup time. Python-fire is great for easily turning any script into a commandline program, but it became clear it is not a great fit for scripts one invoke dozens of times a day.

Having identified the culprit, I decided to implement my own basic commandline parser. The implementation itself is extremely simple but covers all m needs right now.

Removing python-fire dropped the startup time by almost half to around 130ms.

Reducing Boilerplates with metaprogramming

Another problem I wanted to tackle was reducing boilerplates in m. With a bit of research, I learnt about inspect and importlib modules and converted m to adopt them.

Instead of doing import manually, I leveraged importlib.import_module to import .py files on startup and used inspect.getmembers and inspect.isclass to filter and expose instances of m_base.Base, a special class in m which every commands inherit from.

The change itself was relatively straightforward and is a big win for maintainability - I can remove a command just by deleting a file now!


Not only did I learn about inspect and importlib modules in python, I also saved ~100ms off the m startup time and reduced a bunch of boilerplates.

I use m everyday so I am a bit embarrassed that it took me this long to address two such obvious issues. Better late than never I suppose.